Capsules are an important part of your wine or spirit packaging, but that doesn’t mean these need to be complicated. As you’re evaluating capsules for your products, be sure to take a look at polylaminate capsules. These offer a cost-effective packaging option that is completely customizable, and that looks great.
Polylaminate capsules are inexpensive and offer the look of aluminum capsules without the expense. The top disc of these capsules can be embossed, just as you would expect from a tin disc. This can really help you save money without sacrificing your bottle’s aesthetic.
Your capsule vendor can likely offer a wide range of options to help you design polylaminate capsules to suit your company image and your preferred capsule design. Their designers are prepared to create a custom solution for your product that addresses your need for product safety along with a beautiful design. You’ll also find that polylaminate capsules are more budget friendly than some other capsule options. This allows you to make even your lower end priced products look expensive without breaking the bank.
While you’re evaluating polylaminate capsules, take a look at all the other materials used to make beautiful wine capsules. If you haven’t looked in a while, you’re sure to be surprised at the different styles and materials available. You can customize the look of each of your bottles with a different type of capsule, or choose one type that makes sense and color coordinate this material with all of your labels. The options are nearly limitless.
Talk with a vendor about the right capsules for your product. There are plenty of choices, each with its own unique characteristics and advantages. Your vendor is the best source to help you decide whether polylaminate or some other material offer the best caps for your product.