One of the challenges in finding great cigars is to have confidence in finding an online seller with a top reputation. Unfortunately, there are a number of companies offering cheap cigars and tobacco products that buy their products from less than reputable sellers, and not from the actual manufacturer.
With quality tobacco products, including the always popular Don Tomas cigars, ensuring you are getting the authentic product is important. These cigars are very highly rated and contain a blend of tobacco, including the classic Nicaraguan long filler tobacco and Connecticut Maduro binder.
The Company
Classic, authentic Don Tomas cigars are produced in Danli, Honduras. The company has been in operation for over four and half decades, and have always been committed to producing the best possible quality of cigars from local and imported tobacco blends.
These are hand made cigars, with an emphasis on quality in production from tobacco selection through to the final product. The company produces a Clasico Maduro, Presidente, Centro and Robusto cigar as well as a Clasico Rothchild and a full line of Sun Grown cigars.
The Sun Grown Don Tomas cigars are relatively new on the market, first offered in 2007. This is milder, smooth draw cigar that comes in a range of sizes and styles to suit any cigar smoker.
Typical Flavors
Depending on the type and tobacco varieties, the flavors of these cigars will differ. Expect earthy flavors with a bit of charred wood, sweetness, nutty and smoky flavors.
Shop Top Online Sellers
Always check the reputation of the online company before purchasing any brand of cigar. The Don Tomas brand is a moderately priced line of cigars, so it is important to understand that extremely low prices are often an indication of a cheap imitation and not the real cigars that are a favorite around the world.