Probation is a sentence that’s often given in lieu of time in jail. It’s typically available to non-violent, first-time offenders, and it allows them to continue living a normal life. Offenders are supervised by officers and must fulfill conditions set forth by the court. If they fail to do so, they may need the help of a probation violation lawyer in Lebanon County, PA. Read on to learn more about the various probation types ordered by judges.
Unsupervised Probation
Offenders aren’t under an officer’s direct supervision, but they’re required to complete certain steps. Unsupervised probation is given for petty theft and other lesser crimes, and it is sometimes called informal probation.
Supervised Probation
Here, an offender must check in with an officer and fulfill the court’s requirements. Check-ins may range from a weekly visit to a monthly telephone call, and offenders may also have to submit to drug or alcohol treatment, community service and counseling.
Community Control
This complex supervision scheme involves the monitoring of a person’s whereabouts and activities. It’s often given in the form of house arrest, which uses ankle monitoring devices. When a person is under house arrest, they are not allowed to leave home. Ankle monitors are used because they provide precise information on the offender’s location.
Shock Probation
In this type of probation, the judge sentences a person to prison or jail. After a short stay, the offender is released into a conventional probation program. The belief is that the jail time will shock an offender into following the program’s terms.
Crime-Specific Probation
Serious crimes may require an offender to undergo rehabilitation, counseling, and other steps. Sexual offenses require the victim to add their name to a local registry or to have their online activities monitored.
While diversion isn’t technically probation, it serves to relieve probation officers, courts, and probation officers of heavy caseloads. These treatment programs begin before trial, and if an offender finishes the program, the case is dismissed, and the record is expunged. Diversion programs often include restitution, education, and community service requirements.
All these probation types come with unique requirements, and not all offenders fulfill them. When a person doesn’t do what they’re supposed to do, they can work with a probation violation lawyer in Lebanon County, PA to achieve the best possible outcome. Call the Law Office of Melissa R. Montgomery today to schedule a consultation.