A Dog Grooming Center in Alexandria VA Uses a Shampoo That Fits

by | Dec 8, 2015 | Veterinarians


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The Shampoo part of grooming and cleaning a dog is underrated. Bad shampoo could make the problem only slightly better. The pet may have an improved scent, but the cleaning part has been mostly missed. Great shampoo is healthy, fitting, and practical. Not all shampoo is created equal, and not all pets react in the same way. Some shampoo could be very irritating for certain breeds while certain air types do not work well at all. Below are some simple strategies for dog shampooing at a Dog Grooming Center in Alexandria VA.

The wrong shampoo is not just a matter of an unclean pet. Shampoo that does not fit with the pet’s hair type and skin may actually remove nutrients from the coat of the pet. These vital nutrients promote hair growth and healthy skin, and can be stripped away from the wrong shampoo. The first is to find the right fitting shampoo, and that usually takes a quick meeting with the Dog Grooming Center in Alexandria VA. There is some noise out there about what works, and most companies want to promote their product. The center offers an unbiased review about where to get the product that works.

The actual cleaning is where it gets fun. The pet’s face should rarely be cleaned with rough strokes. Pad the face down in a wet cloth before getting to the rest of the coat. The rest of the pet can be washed with a hose at the cleaning station.

The coat shampooing begins at the face and ends at the tail. Long soft strokes from the face and down the back will generally be the most effective way to wash. The entire rubbing-in of the shampoo should take anywhere from five minutes to 15-minutes. The shampoo should also sit for a few minutes.

After some time, the shampoo should start to be removed slowly. The soap water should be replaced with strokes of just water. This process also starts at the face and goes to the tail. The water from the face should be padded down with a washcloth and not circled. That can potentially scratch their eye or disturb them. This very simple way to wash and shampoo will make a pet very happy at the Dog Grooming Center in Alexandria VA. Contact website for essential pet maintenance tips. You can also visit them on Facebook for daily tips.

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