From do-it-yourself painters to professionals, having the right paint sundries and accessories makes the job a lot easier. Trying to work with make-do painting supplies not only increases the time it can take to do a job, but it can also have a negative impact on the overall final quality of the work.
When painters have the right paint sundries on hand, they can focus on the painting and not on the lack of tools and equipment on the job. Low cost and long lasting or designed for single use, the right supplies do make a difference.
Managing the Painting Project
There are several helpful items to manage the paint itself. For example, a bucket grid is an essential tool when painting large projects. Designed to allow the painter to insert the roller into the five gallon paint bucket without the need to transfer paint to a roller tray, the bucket grid is used to remove the excess paint from the roller.
These grids are invaluable for professional painters on both residential and commercial painting jobs. They are typically galvanized and can be easily cleaned after every job for extended use.
Other helpful paint sundries include a painter’s cup, ideal for small amounts of paint for cutting in. A painter’s mitt, either in lambskin or in polyester, allows for easy application of paint to irregular surfaces where rollers and brushes are less practical and effective.
Other Sundries
There is a range of other helpful accessories for any painter to have on hand. A small roller also called a midget roller, is ideal for those hard to access areas between doors and windows and walls or even around fixtures and architectural elements.
A must on any type of interior or exterior painting project is painter’s tape. This creates a crisp, clear delineation between paint colors in a product that is easy to remove once the paint has dried.