When a vehicle is involved in a collision, it can leave it undrivable and require thousands of dollars worth of repairs to restore it to its original condition. The first step is locating a quality auto body shop that provides Collision Repair in Johnson County, as they will be able to restore the structural integrity of the vehicle like it never happened. Gaining an understanding of the process involved with auto body repairs can make locating a trustworthy shop easier by empowering the owner of the vehicle with knowledge.
Damage Removal
During the first phase, the technician will remove all of the parts of the vehicle that were damaged, as this will allow them to fully inspect the extent of the damage and determine if any unseen components need to be replaced. If any mechanical components are damaged, they will repair these before moving forward with the restoration of the exterior of the car.
Restoration Process
The restoration process is labor intensive, as it requires the technician to attach the replacement parts to the vehicle’s structure. The replacement parts should align correctly and not have any gaps. Also, the technician shouldn’t use an automotive repair clay, as this can lead to problems in the future if it separates from the vehicle due to a change in temperature.
Painting And Inspection
Once all of the replacement parts have been installed, the next step of Collision Repair in Johnson County is to paint the replacement parts. It is important for the technician to blend the painting so it has a seamless appearance and there are no color differentiations between the new and old paint. Once the paint has been applied and cured, it will then be inspected by a third party who will look for unusual deformities and less than perfect repair work that may need to be redone.
It can be stressful to find a quality auto body shop after a collision occurs. The team at Warrensburg Collision has more than 25 years of experience and can perform auto body repair on any make or model of vehicle. Learn more about us and the services provided today, and make repairing a vehicle as straightforward as possible.