3 Different Weld Stud Options

by | Aug 22, 2017 | Welding Equipment


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While there are differences between drawn arc and capacitor discharge or CD weld studs on the market, there are also similarities in the possible configurations and designs of these welding studs.

To provide a simple guideline for the various weld stud options, the most common types of drawn arc weld studs will be provided. Keep in mind that threaded, non-threaded and tapered types of welding studs are also available in the smaller diameters that are a better match for the use of capacitor discharge stud welding systems.

Full Thread

It may be simple to say that the full thread options look like all-thread, with that description only being partially correct. In fact, a full thread has threaded from one end to just about to the bottom of the other end. The slight area without threading is designed to ignition tip to sit in the center with a slightly chamfered base.

These types of welding studs can be found in standard diameters and lengths. Some companies specializing in stud welding equipment and materials also provide custom manufacturing of these components as needed.

Pitch Diameter

The pitch diameter welding studs offer threading down the length of the stud to a point where the threading end. This unthreaded part of the weld stud is naturally stronger than the threaded component, which is helpful to resist against shear forces with composite material construction.

Headed Anchor

The headed anchor weld stud is unlike either option mentioned above. It has a round head, more like a traditional type of bolt, and the shaft of the stud is not threaded. These are sometimes referred to as shear connector studs and are commonly used on bridges and in concrete and steel construction due to their strength and superior resistance to shear forces.

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