Uses for Roller Mills in Southern Idaho

by | Aug 22, 2016 | Business


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Roller mills are used in the agricultural world to grind grain, providing an alternative to the more traditional gristmills. They work by using cylindrical rollers placed in pairs opposite each other or against a series of flat plates to crush material to a useful size.

Most Roller Mills in Southern Idaho use dust removal blowers to prevent dust from accumulating in the grinder and overheating the machine. However, for use in producing refined flour, experts suggest adding moisture to the grain before milling. This increases efficiency by softening the kernel, which is separated out during the process of milling. By softening the kernel and stiffening the bran, the energy input required is lessened. This also helps to prevent shattering the bran and germ particles that are separated out by sieve.

What some people don’t realize is that the production of white flour only became possible with the invention of the roller mill. The ability to efficiently remove the bran and the germ from the kernel leads to a finished product that is milder in flavor, smoother in texture, and greater in volume when used in baking bread. This has made white flour a popular choice among home bakers and commercial bread makers alike. To create whole wheat flour, the bran and germ are reintroduced into the white flour after milling.

In addition to creating flour from raw material in agricultural production, roller mills are used in industries like processing ore, milling cement, and recycling various materials. This is because the right kind of roller mill is capable of grinding ore, gravel, and plastic in addition to grain. These diverse applications make roller mills a good choice for a wide variety of industrial producers, but their most popular use is still in agriculture.

Roller mills can have anywhere from two to six rollers, which can be adjusted to control the finished size of aggregate. Purchasing a mill with more rollers makes it easier to obtain a finer grain finished product, whether in the form of wheat flour or crushed rock aggregate. Interested in learning more? Contact us to find out more about roller mills in Southern Idaho for agricultural or other uses.

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