Studying illustration and earning a degree provides students with a wide range of career choices. Creatives with a background in illustration may pursue careers as professional illustrators or take one of many other related career paths. Traditional illustrators may create images for publications or art agencies. A less traditional career path may include work in the fields of advertising, marketing, or arts education. Regardless of career goals, there are some good reasons for creative students to pursue an illustration degree.
Illustration students learn about broad topics
College students who complete a rigorous academic program take courses in different areas of study. The variety of classes helps students to develop broad skills that extend beyond illustration. Through a full curriculum, students learn to develop analytical, interpersonal and communication skills. Students also develop competencies in time management and project management, as well as business and computer skills.
Illustration students enjoy school resources
One of the greatest benefits of formal education is access to extracurricular programs. These programs support students with career development and professional growth opportunities. An established illustration degree program with a strong career development office connects students to valuable resources. Internships, apprenticeships, and alumni mentorship programs provide opportunities for illustration students to network and gain professional experiences.
Illustration students enjoy networking with other creatives
Programs that provide artist talks and support student art shows help illustration students make important career connections. This gives students a professional experience common to many creative professionals.
For more information about the benefits of education in illustration contact The School of the Art Institute of Chicago today.