Tips on Maintaining Your Water Heater System in Tucson, AZ

by | May 10, 2017 | Heating and Air Conditioning


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The water heater system is a vital component of your overall plumbing system. As you can imagine, its primary purpose is to heat up the water and maintain it at a specific temperature at all times. Most of the hot water systems that are available today generally rely on electricity or gas to heat up the water. They need to be connected to an independent supply of electricity or gas to ensure that the heaters continue to run smoothly. One important thing that you should know is that these systems require regular care and maintenance. Here are some basic tips on how to maintain your water heater system in Tucson, AZ.

Inspections before the Winter

Always get the water heater inspected and serviced before the winter months arrive. Most people don’t get any servicing done and turn on their water heaters in full force as the summer months arrive. Doing so is a bad idea, for there’s a very high chance that the heater will stop working altogether. You can call a reputable plumbing company such as Bakers Plumbing Heating and Air for servicing your heater.

Open the Valves to Let Out Air

Air shouldn’t be trapped in the water heater system. Keep the valves open until the water starts pouring out. Make sure you place a container underneath so you can catch the water that’s coming out from the valves. Once the boiler has been drained, don’t forget to close the valves. You should first go through the owner’s manual on how to close the valves and then proceed to do so. Make sure that you turn off the power and the water while you are on this step.

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