When a semi breaks down or needs repair, you cannot just take it to any mechanic down the street. Only certified truck mechanics should work on it because they have been specially trained to fix the unique problems that these big trucks have. If you work for a company, they will often have credit with truck mechanics on the route you drive; however, if you’re an independent owner/operator, here are tips for saving on or preventing truck repairs.
Get Regular Maintenance
One of the best tips is to keep your truck in good condition by getting it regularly serviced. Since you don’t want to break down in the middle of nowhere, you should always make sure to have the oil changed, the fluids checked and topped off, the truck engine lubed, and the filters changed. A good mechanic working for a shop that does truck repair in Westchester, PA will also examine the engine to make sure that everything is running as it should be.
Regularly Check Tires
Between driving past road construction sites, on parking lots at truck stops, and to loading docks, your tires can pick up all types of debris. Before getting in the cab to leave in the morning, double-check your tires for worn treads, cracks, bulging, and debris such as nails stuck in them. By spotting problems early and taking the semi to a truck repair shop, you can prevent most tire blow-outs and potentially serious accidents while on the road.
Ask About Certifications
When you contact truck repair shops, find out if their mechanics are certified. If they are not, then try contacting other shops in the area to find shops with properly trained diesel mechanics for your truck. If you’re in Pennsylvania, contact Business Name for help getting your truck picked up, repaired, and back on the road as soon as possible.