As with anything in business, it helps to learn what the return on investment will be, though it can be a little unclear when you’re dealing with marketing and law firms. If you’ve never marketed your lawyers or your business before, it may seem impossible to do so, but there are options and help available.
You work in a highly competitive market, where new law firms are popping up every day. This means that you have to remain competitive, as well, which means marketing yourself and your abilities in the best light. While paper advertisements, such as the phone book and newspapers, may help, you must get yourself online and establish an online presence through a website and engaging content.
Hire Someone
The first step is likely to hire a company to help you market yourself. While there are seemingly thousands of possibilities, you want someone who understands the legal issues you face. As a lawyer, you are hiring out your services rather than selling a product. Therefore, your strategies are likely to be different than a retail outlet.
What You Get
The next step is to find out what that company can do for you and how much it will cost upfront. Few, if any, marketers will offer to wait for payment until you see results, so it’s harder to determine how much money you’ve made based on the investment. However, the company you select is likely to offer reporting and other ways for you to measure your (and their) success.
Not A One-Time Deal
The trouble is that marketing for law firms and everyone else isn’t a one-time or one-size-fits-all deal. You will have to market yourself or your services continuously and what you do or need may be different than similar companies.