Radiofrequency Neurotomy sounds like a scary procedure, but it actually just involves injections to relieve joint pain in the spinal column. Instead of sending medication such as steroids into the affected areas, the injections send heat produced by radio waves. The heat interferes with nerves that are communicating pain signals. Essentially, the communication is interrupted so that the brain does not realize the nerves are sensing pain. The procedure also is known as radiofrequency ablation.
Radiofrequency Neurotomy damages or destroys these particular nerves so they cannot function. The procedure does not affect any nerves that control muscle function or sensation for some small ones in the neck and back. This does not cause any negative results. Before the injection is performed, the doctor verifies that these precise nerves are responsible for the pain the patient experiences. That is done with a nerve block. Nerve blocks generally last a few hours up to a full day. If the nerve block is successful, the doctor knows that radiofrequency ablation most likely will be successful as well. The doctor may want to do a second nerve block to be absolutely certain of the results.
This type of injection has become an increasingly frequent choice among doctors who specialize in pain management, such as those at Aspire Pain Medical Center. Patients quickly regain their quality of life when the pain is significantly reduced or even eliminated. They enjoy increased flexibility and become more mobile.
The procedure is expected to have relatively long-term results compared with other pain management techniques aside from surgery. Patients commonly want to avoid surgery because it is invasive and there are no guarantees it will work to eliminate pain. Radiofrequency ablation generally lasts for several months up to one year. Although the nerves that have been affected by the injection may no longer function, other nerves may eventually begin sending out pain signals that reach the brain. However, some patients have conditions that eventually heal and no longer cause pain. A sports injury, for example, may cause debilitating neck or back pain, but it may gradually heal over several months and cause no further problems. You can also follow them on Twitter for more updates!