Making Sure You Have All Your Bases Covered- Advance Directive in Texas

by | Mar 16, 2017 | Attorneys


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The fact is, no one likes to think that they may not be able to make choices for themselves because of illness or an accident. The fact also is if you want to be sure that your wishes are carried out, you must think about it, an advance directive in Texas area can help.  Should you become sick, disabled or involved in an accident and you are unable to express yourself, an advance directive in Texas will ensure that your wishes are followed to the letter of the law.

Emotions on High

Most people will make the right choice for their loved ones, but that “right choice” may not be your “right choice”. People make decisions based on their emotions and when an injury or an illness occurs the emotions are turned up a notch for everyone.  It can be difficult for loved ones to make decisions when they are under duress and in that moment of complete emotion. An advance directive takes the pressure off your loved ones.

Your Wishes

The time to prepare your advance directive is when you are healthy, alert and in a good place.  Preparing the document is easy:

1. Consider the treatment exclusions that you want to add to your advance directive
2. Consider carefully what treatments you agree with
3. What you would like to happen if you are not responsive

It is important that you consider carefully all the above, then go to and start filling out your paperwork. It is an easy step to take to ensure that you have control every step of the way after an illness or an injury whether you can express yourself or not. It is quick and easy and you will never have to think about it again!

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