Lap Band Surgery: 4 Commonly Asked Questions

by | Feb 16, 2018 | Plastic Surgeon


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What is it?

The lap band surgery is a type of surgery that can help with weight loss efforts.

What happens?

A surgeon puts a band around the upper part of your stomach. This will create a small pouch that would hold the food. The band effectively reduces the amount of food you can eat, says the MedlinePlus. You then start to feel full only after eating small portions of food, thus helping you cut down on food for a slimmer and trimmer fit.

How it happens

The lap band is placed around the top portion of the stomach. The doctor easily adjust the tightness of the band after surgery to ensure patient comfort and to help patients achieve eating and lifestyle goals. It usually takes anywhere from 30 minutes to 60 minutes for the procedure, especially if you pick a competent surgeon, one who’s had plenty of experience doing the procedure in the past.

Does it work?

Lap band surgery results are often successful in cases that involved changes in diet and lifestyle. But if you still find yourself constantly reaching for that French fry instead of that unsalted bag of almonds, then you’re less likely to see favorable results. However, if you’re committed to your weight loss journey and determined to lose weight, if you’re willing to make changes in your diet and lifestyle, then this could work for you.

Is it right for me?

It’s best to consult with a doctor to know what your options are. With your doctor’s help, you can weight pros and cons to choosing one option over another. With plenty of weight loss methods available out there, you can have a much easier time finding out which method is best for you. Book a consultation and ask about your options today. The sooner you do, the sooner you can get a trimmer and healthier you.

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