Know More about Cleaning up Swimming Pool Algae

by | Jun 11, 2015 | Swimming Pools and Spas


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Algae can easily form on any wet surface, and that includes your average swimming pool. Find a way to remove the algae and keep it out – at least temporarily. Swimming pool algae is nothing to ignore and treat like it is not dangerous. Although algae has a number of benefits, it is unsightly and unacceptable to have in the pool. Learn more about algae and the steps needed to get rid of it in your pool.

Remove Algae

Algae forms in watery areas, such as the sea, the ocean and your backyard pool. Live algae floats on the surface, and dead algae sinks to the bottom. Remove the algae by picking it up with a pool scooper or vacuum.

Choose the Cleaning Chemicals

You need good cleaning products to clear out the algae and clean up the pool water. First, invest in a good algaecide along with shock chemicals. If the problem is particularly severe, you want to add more to the recommended dosage. However, too many of these chemicals may turn your hair green and pollute the pool water.

An algaecide is an instant killer of pool algae. The active ingredient is copper, which is all natural and safe for use in a pool. In addition, add shock chemicals with the recommended amounts varying based on the size of the pool. You need the shock to increase the chlorination levels in the water. The chlorine kills the bacteria and the algae.

Another product to invest in is a clarifier that helps you vacuum the dead algae. Also, the pH level of your pool is important. Too much acid is found in a pool with low pH, so add a pH increaser to neutralize the water.

Maintain the Pool

After you pour in the chemicals, follow a good maintenance routine. Use the pump a few hours each day, which allows you to circulate the water throughout the pool. If you do not distribute the chemicals thoroughly, you will not remove all of the bacteria.

For as long as you use the pool, add the chemicals at least once weekly. After a heavy day of usage, add the chemicals and avoid using the water for a while. Good maintenance is part of any good algae prevention plan.

Make sure your pool looks crystal clear blue and not mildew green. Hardly anyone likes slimy seaweed in the ocean. Likewise, no one likes the feel of algae floating by feet that hang over a lounge chair. Swimming pool algae is a reality you must deal with promptly and carefully. You cannot allow your pool to build up seaweed if you want guests to lounge there. Fortunately, there are plenty of cleaning products available for all types of pool users.

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