Don’t underestimate the power of a good catalog. The tendency in this day and age is to go with digital over print for just about everything, but there are several reasons why a print catalog might be a better choice for your business. Of course, the type of catalog is important, too, as is the quality of the catalog. Businesses often make the mistake of not putting enough thought and effort into their catalog production, and they pay the price in lost sales.
Why You Still Need Catalogs
One popular argument against catalogs is that any product you want to research or buy is out there on the Internet. This is true, but the Internet is big, really big in fact, and searching for a specific product you want can be an adventure in finding the right keywords, filters and search engines to get you to what you want to see, while a catalog can put that product right in front of you.
Paper catalogs generate excitement, and lead people to products they might not otherwise see. Searching for something on the Internet assumes that you know the product exists and you want to know more about it. A paper catalog might show you something you never knew about, and make you want to buy it or learn more about it. When a catalog arrives in the fall or even earlier, it can be used to create a wish list for younger family members who may not be online, or as a subtle reminder to older family members who need to be nudged toward buying the right gift.
Types of Catalogs
When people think of catalogs, they often tend to think of the huge volume that comes once a year with every product in the inventory listed and described. This is one type of catalog, but not the only type. There are also smaller seasonal catalogs, sale catalogs and even specialized catalogs that may advertise a few pieces linked by a common theme, encouraging people to look online for other similar products not featured.
Catalog Quality
To compete with the Internet for a shopper’s attention, a catalog has to be eye-catching. To hold a place of prominence in your home and in your mind, a catalog has to look professional, slick, and yes, even beautiful in its own way. A good catalog production company can help with this, making sure that your products are shown in their best light and that the overall catalog has a great look.
Catalog creation and production is something that deserves your attention and the best expertise you can find. That expertise is available to you at Arandell. Visit catalog printing and direct marketing company to learn about the number of printing services available, including catalog production.