That simple slip, trip or stumble may develop into a fall and leave you in pain with a twisted ankle. In many circumstances the majority of the pain will go away in a relatively short period of time or maybe a day or two, but if the pain persists experts may find that you have torn a ligament in your ankle, which without treatment, will continue to give you pain for some time. Should the ligament continue to refuse to heal itself, you may need to talk about orthopedic surgery with your professional experts.
Walking On the Twisted Ankle
You may not be able to walk with a twisted ankle straight after the injury, but if your ankle continues to feel as though it’s going to give way at any moment, you may have caused damage to the lateral ankle ligament. This is a common injury amongst sportspeople, particularly runners and gymnasts.
Nonsurgical treatment is always well thought out before orthopedic surgery will be considered. There may be a combination with ankle joint arthritis and it may be this weakening of your ankle which has allowed you to twist it and damaged ankle ligaments as you moved your foot into an inconvenient position.
What Will Happen During Ankle Surgery?
Whoever is going to carry out the orthopedic surgery will explain exactly what is going to happen to you and the recovery period afterwards. You should feel comfortable with your surgeon before the operation begins and fully understand what is going to happen and why.
Almost all ankle ligament reconstruction is carried out as an outpatient. A relatively large incision will allow the surgeon to work on your ankle ligaments. There are various options open to the surgeon. They will consider how they might repair the ligament in your ankles with stitches. If the damage is beyond repair they may consider using a tendon to replace the torn ligament.
In these circumstances, the surgeon will stitch the tendon into place and may even insert a screw into the bone. Depending upon the circumstances the surgeon may choose to take a tendon from another part of your body and affix it to ankle.
How Long Is Recovery?
The recovery period will vary depending on how fit the individual is before the operation, but you can expect a cast or splint to hold the area tight for at least two weeks. There may be a further 4 to 6 weeks before you can physically place any weight on the ankle. Removable walking boots, often seen modelled by athletes after ankle and lower leg injuries, may prove to be extremely useful during this initial period.
Once the swelling and pain has reduced you may be to run again in a few weeks and depending upon your favorite sporting activity and the type of orthopedic surgery that was carried out, you may be back at full pace between six and 12 months later.
When orthopedic surgery is required, our expert professionals at will be pleased to discuss all of the options open to you. This ensures that any decision you make is based upon the best elements of information and knowledge and our professional opinions. You can connect with them on Facebook for more updates!