Many things happen in the workplace that can have people scratching their heads and wondering whether they’re being fairly treated. Sometimes the situation is severe, such as sexual harassment and discrimination. Even then, people are sometimes not sure that a line has been crossed legally, even though they might feel very unhappy and sometimes uncomfortable enough to leave a company. In any of these situations, you might find that you need the advice of a labor attorney in Rochester area. Once you have spoken to a legal professional, you’ll have a much better idea of what your rights are, and if they have been infringed.
The day to day problems at work
Although you might not fall into the category of what would be defined as a serious violation of your human and employment rights, you may also have remaining questions that really concern you and that you consider unfair. If there is something that you consider to be wrong and is costing you money, you could discuss this with human resources to see if it can be resolved. If your issue isn’t given serious consideration, and you feel strongly about the matter, you could also consider taking legal action.
The kind of complaints an employee has
The complaints that some employees raise can be many and varied. For example, if you are normally paid for a public holiday but are absent from work the day after the holiday, can the employer then refuse to pay you? In another situation, an employee was advised that she would be granted annual leave only if she could arrange for someone else to cover her job while she was away. Yet another employee was given a contract that guaranteed free parking, although not in writing, but was charged for parking from his first day of employment. In another situation an employee’s paid time off was taken away without any consultation.
These are all issues that can cause employee frustration. If you’ve experienced something similar and are very unhappy with your treatment, you should discuss the matter. If your employer is not reasonable, this is when you may want to seek legal advice.