6 Suggestions Before You Get into a Substance Abuse Treatment Program

by | Mar 15, 2019 | Health and Fitness


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Choosing a facility for substance abuse treatment in Broward County is an important part of your recovery process. Before you enroll in a program, though, you need to take steps to ensure you’re choosing the right one. Here are a few suggestions to help you.

Consider the detox treatment program

Detoxification is the first step of the process. But not all rehab facilities provide medically-assisted—also called medically monitored detox—or medical detox. Find out what the rehab center offers before you move forward with your search.

Ask about the care plan

Is the care provided to you tailored to you and your situation or are you getting yourself into a one-size-fits-all treatment program? A successful recovery is much more likely when you go for a treatment program that is custom made to address your needs.

Check the facilities

You can save yourself a lot of frustration and stress by paying a visit to the rehabilitation center to check if the facility is fully equipped to provide you with the treatment you require, the Lifehack says.

Determine if support is allowed

When you pick a facility for substance abuse treatment in Broward County, find out if you are allowed to get in touch with family and friends or if you need to be isolated from everything throughout the treatment. In many cases, though, it has been proven that support from loved ones often improve a patient’s rate of recovery.

Learn more about the treatment

What kind of treatment modalities does the facility provide? Will it include trauma-based therapy, dual diagnosis, suboxone treatment and more? Knowing the kind of treatments on offer will help you arrive at sound decision regarding your healing and recovery.

Check for credentials

Don’t forget to check the credentials that the doctor in charge and the staff have. The quality of care you’ll receive will influence the outcome of your treatment.

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