Why is My Delta-8 Disposable Not Hitting?

by | Dec 26, 2022 | Business


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When you use disposable vapes for your delta-8 fix, it’s usually a very enjoyable process, but what happens if you try to take a hit and nothing happens? If you’ve ever asked yourself, why is my delta-8 disposable not hitting, you’re not alone. In fact, this is a very common problem among vapers, not just with delta-8 but with other products as well. The thing is, once you become familiar with some of the reasons why this happens, you’ll know what to do to fix the problem.

Numerous Reasons for This to Happen

The main answer to the question “Why is my delta-8 disposable not hitting?” is that the disposable device is somehow clogged. Many times, the mouthpiece of the device becomes clogged, but you can remedy that by pulling a tiny bit harder until you hear a popping sound, even though this only works with minor clogs. With heavier clogs, excess vape juice might be stuck in the mouthpiece, but you can unclog it by rubbing the tip with a Q-tip or even a paper clip, which can sometimes push the clog through so that the mouthpiece is clear.

What if These Steps Don’t Work?

For extra-heavy clogs, you can blow from the bottom of the vaping device until whatever is clogging it comes out of the top of the mouthpiece. Once you see oil or gunk coming out of the mouthpiece, you’ll know you’ve unclogged the device. As you can see, you have numerous options available to you for troubleshooting whenever you ask yourself, “Why is my delta-8 disposable not hitting?”

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