When Does Employment Discrimination Occur?

by | Jun 15, 2016 | Law Services


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Common grounds for discrimination at work often include the following: age, disability, gender, race or color and sex.

Discrimination Claim

Workplacefairness says that if you’re being treated at work differently because of the color of your skin or the fact that you’re female can be grounds for filing a discrimination claim.

When It Happens

Employee discrimination happens when:

  • You’re limited to doing non-core tasks or you’re excluded from taking part in any major project or campaign at work because of your age
  • You don’t get access to the same opportunities at work because of your nationality or race
  • You don’t receive assignments that challenge your skills and training because you’re female and are relegated to secretarial tasks in the boardroom instead
  • You have a hard time being hired because of your disability
  • You aren’t hired or you’re fired because of your religion
  • You get fired because you stood up for your rights
  • Your male counterparts get more than you do when you have the same position and do exactly the same amount of work
  • You don’t get as many promotional opportunities as your white, male counterparts do
  • You continually fend off sexual harassment at work
  • Being forced out of your job because of your age

Basically any act that discriminates against you, that prevents you from fulfilling your duties, roles and responsibilities at work, all because of your age, nationality or the belief systems you’ve grown up in, gives you the legal grounds to file a claim and sue.

Finding Help

So long as you fulfill your duties right, that you have the skill and training to get the job done, then no one should have to keep you from promotional opportunities or pay you a salary lower than others in the same position simply because they’re male and you’re not. Seek legal help to take immediate action and stop employee discrimination at where you work.

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