Whether your company gives out quarterly or yearly corporate recognition awards, the common theme is that the award needs to be prestigious. Besides, you are rewarding an employee or group of employees for working long hours and making different sacrifices, so they deserve a top-of-the-line award in return. There are a lot of different characteristics you can look for when it comes to corporate recognition awards.
There are so many design options for corporate recognition awards that it can be difficult to narrow them down at times. However, the good thing is since there are so many different designs, you can find a unique award for every team or individual. Whether it’s an arch, a circle, a diamond, a cube or even an eagle, you can easily find a unique corporate recognition award.
Consider how tall you want your corporate recognition awards to be as well. They could be small enough to put on a desk or a small shelf, or large enough to be displayed prominently on a wall or large bookshelf. You could tailor the award to what the recipient likes or get a neutral height that has more versatility.
Additional Customization
You can always add extra customization to corporate recognition awards. Instead of just saying what the award is for, you could add a short personal sentence thanking them for their performance. Creativity in corporate recognition awards isn’t always thought of, but it doesn’t mean it’s not appreciated.
There are a lot of different options when it comes to corporate recognition awards. The awards mean a lot to the recipients, so finding the perfect award will display a greater sense of appreciation.