What to Look for in a Doggy Daycare in Fairfax Station VA

by | Nov 8, 2019 | Animal hospital


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Doggy daycares are a great way for dog owners to be sure their dogs are getting properly socialized with other dogs, are stimulated, have plenty of companionship, and have supervision while owners are away from home. However, while a great doggy daycare can provide tons of benefits for pups, a bad doggy daycare can not only lead to a dog picking up bad habits from other dogs, but also actually put a dog in danger. Here are some tips about what to look for when choosing a Doggy Daycare in Fairfax Station VA.

How are the Facilities?

The facility should be clean, with the means in place to sanitize it quickly and efficiently. Dogs are known to have accidents, so the presence of fresh waste should not be too alarming, but old waste sitting around is a major red flag. Surfaces should be non-porous for easy cleaning and sanitizing. The facilities should also be secure and safe; check fences, doors, and any kennel areas to ensure that dogs will be safely contained at all times.

What Is Their Ratio?

How many workers are there per dog? What is the policy about having workers present in dog rooms? While the idea is for dogs to get the opportunity to socialize, there must be enough workers per dog required in each play area in case any problems develop.

How Monitored is Play?

Many people think of doggy daycare as similar to a dog park. They can be, but purely unstructured play may not be beneficial. Does the doggy daycare provide any type of behavior modification or training as part of their daycare package?

What are the Health Requirements?

All dogs at the daycare should be vaccinated. This should include all communicable diseases, not just rabies. The daycare should also have a policy in place for handling dogs who are ill.

How are Dogs Grouped?

Even gentle giants can cause serious harm to pocket-sized puppies through ordinary play activities. In larger doggy daycares, dogs may be separated into size categories to prevent accidental injuries. If the daycare accepts intact/ unaltered dogs, they may also have protocols in place to deal with potential aggression.

Find the Right Fit

Business Name provides a Doggy Daycare in Fairfax Station VA that is designed to provide pets with stimulation and companionship while providing owners with peace of mind. You can also connect them on Facebook.

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