What to Know About Lawncare in Sellersburg, IN

by | Apr 19, 2023 | Search Engine Marketing


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When people are looking for the best lawncare in Sellersburg, IN, they turn to experienced and professional companies. The best companies have decades of experience and knowledge, and they know how to make a lawn thrive and look great. All of their technicians are licensed and qualified, so people know that they have the necessary skills to keep the lawn looking great.

Treatment Plan

Companies that offer lawncare in Sellersburg, IN will have a treatment plan to ensure that the lawn looks great all year long. In the spring, they start by fertilizing the lawn and taking care of pre-emergents such as crabgrass and foxtail. In the late spring, they continue weeding treatments for crabgrass and foxtail, as well as broadleaf weeds.

They are attentive to weeds throughout the summer, and in the late summer, they use slow-release seasonally adjusted fertilizer. They continue weed control throughout the fall, and in the winter they do a heavy application of dormant fertilization. This type of lawn care ensures that the lawn looks great all year long.

Weed Control

An important aspect of lawncare in Sellersburg, IN is weed control. Weeds will grow across the lawn and rob the grass of important nutrients, water, and sunlight. Different weeds grow at different times of the year, which is why it is so important to work with a company that has experience. They can prevent weeds from damaging other plants in flower beds and gardens as well.

The professional lawncare experts will come out and inspect the yard before they put together a plan, and then they start treatments that prevent weeds from growing at all.

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