Ways to Help Improve Pest Control in Dubbo

by | Jun 3, 2024 | Pest Control Service


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As they are constantly on the move, pests will find a way into a home. There are several different items which will attract them to the home. By tackling some of the issues, homeowners can encourage the pests to leave the house alone and move on to other possibilities. Deterring them is one of the best ways to keep them out of the home. These are some of the issues to address around the house.

In addition to regular pest control in Dubbo, any small water leaks should be addressed. Since all pests need water, these leaks will provide one of their most essential needs. An inspection around and under the home will help identify areas where leakage is occurring. Small leaks must be patched to keep the moisture levels down and deter the pests. If they can’t find a water source, they will move on.

Food is also another item that attracts pests to a home. Food sources are located generally by smell. Open packages, leftover crumbs, or rotting produce will attract pests. Even the tiniest food scent can have an alluring effect. All food surfaces should be cleaned as soon as possible to keep the scents under control. Food trash and compost piles should be located as far away from the home as possible to stop the association of home and food.

Compromises in the outer protection of the home can also attract pests looking for a safe place to hide. Pest control in Dubbo should be used in conjunction with other strategies to prevent entry. If the pests can’t get into the home, they will go elsewhere. Any cracks should be sealed. Holes should be blocked off as much as possible. A visual inspection will help determine the major points of possible entry. However, always check the space before installing barriers to make sure no pets are occupying the space.

Because the pests will find a way in if they find conditions habitable, preventative measures must be taken to ensure the home is not a place they want to make a home in. Contact Flick Pest Control Dubbo for more information on different pest control measures needed to keep the home a pest-free zone.

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