South Milwaukee trucking accident lawyers specialize in truck accident cases. They represent people who have suffered injury because of the negligence of another during a truck accident.
South Milwaukee trucking accident lawyers practice tort law. Tort means private or civil wrong or injury. The injury is not remedied through judicial punishment. It is remedied by compensation for damages.
When a person is negligent, and there is a truck accident because of the negligence, the injured individual has the right to look for compensation from the at-fault individual with the goal of recouping their losses. The idea of tort law is to make the injured individual whole again. Of course, this is not always completely possible, especially if a person suffers severe injuries, including the loss of a limb, loss of vision, or disfigurement. What a truck accident attorney tries to do is to get their client compensation for the damages that they have suffered.
Some of the damages they may help their clients receive include lost wages, damage to their vehicle, wrongful death, emotional distress, and pain and suffering.
Personal injury lawyers, in general, can work on a variety of cases, ranging from bus accidents to dog bites to animal attacks. However, truck accident lawyers practice as personal injury lawyers but focus their attention on truck accident cases.
Learn more about the work performed by truck accident attorneys, and see how the attorneys at Martin Law Offices represent injury victims throughout Wisconsin and help them get compensation for their injuries when you visit the website.