Types of Plastic Surgery for the Skin and Face in Austin TX

by | May 22, 2018 | Surgeons & Clinics


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Plastic and reconstructive surgery covers a range of procedures that are carried out to repair tissue that has been damaged. There are many reasons why a person may need this type of surgery, including from traumatic injuries, birth defects, and severe burns. As well, some other cosmetic surgery procedures don’t involve the repair of damage, but rather simply modification of existing features. For any and all of the services it’s important to rely on the capabilities of a professional and plastic surgery. Austin TX is served by many of these professionals.

Skin Resurfacing

When you look at a youthful face, you can often associate this with proportional volume of facial features, and good skin quality. There are skin resurfacing procedures designed to optimize the quality of the skin. Skin can become damaged as a result of UV rays over time, resulting in brown spots, damage skin tone, etc. Resurfacing procedures such as laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, and skin peels can reduce these damaged features.

Eyelid Surgery

Also referred to as blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery is a very common type of plastic surgery in the US. this procedure involves the removal of excess skin, muscle,, Arafat from the lower and upper eyelids which can reverse an existing condition of droopy eyelids or eyelashes impairing the vision. The procedure can also give the patient a fresh appearance.

Nose Surgery

Also referred to as rhinoplasty, nose surgery reshapes the nose and improves its structure. A person may have this procedure done in order to fix a deformed feature on the nose such as bump. As well, the procedure can help correct breathing issues in some cases.

Ear Surgery

Also referred to as otoplasty, this type of your surgery modifies the size, shape, and position of the year. It can be used for reconstructive purposes to modify birth injuries or other injuries that have misshapen ears, or it can be used to reposition protruding ears. The surgery generally may be performed on children over the age of five as well as healthy adults.

If you are interested in any one of these plastic surgery treatments, it’s best to get in contact with a reliable and experienced plastic surgeon serving your area.

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