Tips on Making Your Public Washroom Eco Friendly

by | Feb 20, 2015 | Home Improvement


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In order to be a successful business owner, you will need to learn how to cut costs wherever you can. A great way to reduce costs and do your part for the environment is by making your public washroom more eco-friendly. There are a number of different things you can do to make your washroom more environmentally friendly, which means you will need to do some research to choose. The more you are able to find out about what you need, the easier you will find it to choose the right options. Here are a few of the tips to use when trying to make your washroom more eco-friendly.

Low Flow Toilets

One of the first things you need to consider replacing in your washroom is the toilets. You need to find some toilets that are considered low flow. By having low flow toilets, you will be able to reduce the amount of water that is used each time they are flushed. This is great for the environment and can be a great way to reduce the costs you have in regards to your utility bills.

Hand Dryers are a Great Addition

Another great way to reduce the amount of waste that you have in your washroom is by putting in a hand dryer. Thousands of paper towels are used in public bathrooms each year, which means that a lot of waste is produced. Instead of throwing money and paper towels down the drain you can install an energy efficient hand dryer. Not only are these types of hand dryers environmentally friendly, they are usually more sanitary as well. Make sure you do some research before trying to choose a hand dryer for your washroom due to the various options on the market.

Energy Efficient Lighting

Yet another option to use when trying make your washroom more environmentally friendly is eco lighting. By choosing a lighting source and system that uses a small amount of energy, you will be able to save some money. You need to make sure you take your time when choosing the lighting to ensure you get the best lighting options possible. In order to get the right lights you will need to find the right supplier in your area.  The time and effort you spend on finding the right suppliers will be well worth it in the end.

When in the market for eco-friendly washroom fixtures, be sure to contact Business Name.

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