There are many different valves on the market. Each valve has been designed for either a very specific purpose or for more general use. While it is possible to use more than one valve type in most applications and systems, choosing the ideal valve is the easiest way to ensure a long life cycle for the valve and to prevent operational problems or valve failure.
In sanitary applications, the valves need to be specifically designated as sanitary valves. This ensures they are non-reactive, do not corrode, and do not contain any materials, coatings or elements in their design that would negatively impact the final product or the process.
The Use of the Valve
In addition to choosing designated sanitary valves, it is also essential to understand the role the valve has in the system. For example, is the valve required to act as a simple shut off valve, does it need to divert flow, is it designed to prevent backflow through the system, allow for mixing or to adjust or control the flow?
In some applications, the valve may be required to complete more than one function. In these cases, having a single valve to do more than one thing is more cost effective and offer a more practical system design than having more than one valve in place. In other cases, the valves may need to vary based on the specifics of the system, such as preventing backflow with check valves.
Flow, Temperature, and Pressure
The media type, including a liquid, semi-solid or slurry as well as the flow rate, the pressure of the system and the temperature of both the media and the working environment also have to be considered when making a choice.
Sizing of the valve and all components in the valve ensures the optimal functioning of the sanitary valves in the system.