Three Tips To Assist Business Fleet Owners With Purchasing A Policy That Provided Maximum Protection At Minimum Cost

by | Oct 6, 2015 | Insurance Services


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Just as the average driver is required to have an auto insurance policy, business owners using vehicles for commercial purposes cannot get away with not having a commercial auto insurance policy to cover their fleet. While some business owners may see this as an added budgetary expense, getting the proper coverage for a business fleet is really an investment in the protection of the business and its finances. Read on to discover what essential information business owners need to know as they purchase coverage for their company fleet.

• When a consumer purchases personal auto insurance, the insurance company will take their driving record into account when determining the rates clients will pay for a policy. It’s important for business owners to know that the same applies to their company. For this reason, it’s vital that they check their employees’ driving records before allowing them to drive any of the vehicles in their fleet. If an owner wants to utilize employees with poor driving records for their transportation needs, their insurance premium will likely be higher.
• Business owners using their fleet for transportation purposes also need to give some consideration to the type of cargo they will be carrying. Insurance companies do regulate what materials can be transported in commercial vehicles, and some hazardous materials may require additional Commercial Auto Insurances or policy adjustments. In addition, company owners should think about the equipment they carry around every day and make certain that they cover those items with adequate inland marine coverage.
• Although it may seem counterproductive to the goal of saving money, it’s actually a good financial move for business owners to consider increasing coverage limits for physical damage and liability as their company and fleet continue to grow. More cars on the road mean more potential for collisions and other events that could cause harm to a vehicle. Increasing these policy limits could actually end up saving a business from financial ruin if multiple accidents or incidents occur within a short period of time.

Having proper Commercial Auto Insurances is a must for every business owner who relies on a fleet of vehicles for business operations. Contact the experienced agents at Coast Auto Insurance to Get A Free Quote Today and get more information about how to save on commercial auto insurance without skimping on proper coverage.

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