The Wide-Ranging Impact and Importance of Commercial Real Estate Law in Chicago

by | Nov 27, 2017 | Law Services


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As the nation’s third most populous city, Chicago remains a place where many of the country’s most significant business deals and construction projects are found. In many such cases, issues surrounding the possession and transfer of ownership in real property end up being fundamental, and having access to the right kind of assistance can be critical.

Firms that provide counsel and representation regarding commercial real estate law in Chicago regularly offer support that enables projects which would not otherwise be practical or even possible. The important work done by practices like Starr, Bejgiert, Zink & Rowells therefore contributes directly to many of Chicago’s most notable commercial developments.

A Full Range of Informed Advice and Other Services

The field of commercial real estate law in Chicago is one that regularly covers a wide variety of situations and needs. Some of the related issues with which attorneys in the area most often assist their clients include:

  • Leasing. Many commercial properties are owned by businesses that hope to produce returns on their investments by leasing them to others. Compared to residential leases with which many individuals are familiar, commercial leasing arrangements tend to be much more complex and cover far longer terms. Given that a particular lease might lock a property owner and tenant into a certain relationship for ten years or even longer, having access to highly informed legal counsel will always be a must.
  • Sales. Transactions involving the transfer of commercial property from an existing owner to a new one are also usually more complex than residential real estate deals. With many more disclosures to be made and far more details to be managed, those involved inevitably do well to make good use of appropriate legal counsel.
  • Zoning. There are also times when it will be not a party to a proposed or existing contract who presents challenges, but the local government itself. Attorneys in the area regularly help their clients obtain variances or otherwise arrive at more acceptable zoning arrangements.

An Important Style of Legal Counsel for All

Even for those who are not personally involved with commercial real estate, the impact of such services can often be felt. With just about everyone in Chicago making use of what commercial entities have to offer, lawyers who provide relevant counsel and representation make a difference to all.

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