The Primary Importance of Retaining a Racine Personal Injury Attorney

by | Aug 22, 2023 | Law Services


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When you suffer an injury through no fault of your own, you have every right to hold the person who caused the accident legally liable. This person could owe you extensive compensation according to the laws where you live.

However, this person might also refuse to pay any compensation to you and try to blame you for what happened. You can take the right course of legal action and hold that person accountable when you hire counsel like a Racine personal injury lawyer to take your case.

Deflecting Blame

The person responsible for the accident and your injury may try to put all of the blame on you. They might accuse you of not paying attention or purposely getting hurt just to file a lawsuit against them.

However, your lawyer can use facts of the incident to show you were not at fault and the other person is entirely liable for your pain and suffering. Using these details, your lawyer can compel that individual to provide insurance information so you can make a claim against their policy. You can also use the facts of the case to file a lawsuit and go to court if the responsible individual still refuses to pay you.

You can find out more about retaining a Racine personal injury attorney to represent you online. Contact The Law Office Of John V. O’Connor and learn more about your legal options today.

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