If you are a business owner in the Minnesota area in any industry that requires a regular or frequent use of fasteners of any kind, finding a reliable, dependable supplier is a plus for your business.
Many companies rely on the large national chains of contractors and general fastener suppliers in Minnesota for their nuts & bolts assortment as well as cutting tools, chains, cables, anchors, screws, and washers. These companies do have the advantage of having a large inventory, but there are also some important areas where they are not as efficient as a specialized supplier that is focusing in on nuts & bolts assortment and fasteners.
Most of the national chains of “big box hardware” and contractor supply stores offer higher pricing than specialized, niche companies that focus in on fasteners and specialized types of similar items.
With specialized and targeted sales to contractors, OEMs, fabricators and industries, the niche suppliers are able to refine their delivery schedule, automate their internal order filling systems and decrease overhead, all savings that can be passed on to their customers.
Managing Inventory
When a nuts & bolts assortment supplier has a customer-focused approach to their business, they tend to offer a range of value-added services that simply isn’t possible through the big chain stores.
Vendor managed inventory is a time and money saving tool for your business. This allows the supplier to scan your in-house storage bins and place orders to maintain your inventory at the pre-set levels.
With this process, inventory is kept stabilized and bins full, ensuring that routine orders are placed to ensure your work crews have the materials they need to get the job done. This helps your Minnesota business to create a top reputation as well, giving your customers top service and also boosting your reputation as a dependable service provider.