The Importance Of Planning A Retirement Budget

by | Oct 13, 2021 | Financial Services


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Working with Matt Dixon, a Registered Financial Consultant, provides individuals and couples with the tools and the support they need to financially plan for their retirement. For each couple or individual, this plan will look different and reflect their goals and dreams for the years to come.

One of the many services Matt Dixon provides his clients in Greenville, SC, is the ability to take a close look at retirement goals to determine just how much money is needed to live the life you want. Having both the big picture as well as developing an accurate retirement budget gives you a clear indication of the savings and retirement income needed.

Planning for the Future

Thanks to the tools offered by Matt Dixon, clients in Greenville, SC, can develop a detailed understanding of what their needs will be for their retirement. This includes recurring costs for homeowners, insurance, vehicles, utilities, food, entertainment, and even travel.

In addition, calculations need to include the cost of living increases, potential costs for medical treatment given current health issues or potential health issues, as well as other known expenses.

Potential Retirement Income

Most people will have Social Security as well as their retirement savings. Of course, people may also have retirement income such as property, annuities, or other types of passive income streams.

Knowing what income is generated from all sources and what the expenses are anticipated to be, helps create a comprehensive picture of what you need to have in the account. Knowing this in advance allows you to choose your retirement date and to have confidence in knowing you have the finances you need throughout your retirement.

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