The Best Way to Take Care of Your Residential Landscape

by | Feb 27, 2017 | Landscaping


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Residential landscaping services Charlotte, NC fall in two categories. We have the weekly and seasonal residential landscaping services. Find out what your landscape needs by answering the following questions. How does your landscape look after a week by itself? Does it look shaggy, unkempt or overgrown? If your landscape is looking more or less the same after a week, give it another week, a month or a couple more weeks by itself. Mark on your calendar the point at which your landscape begins to lose its curb appeal.

Weekly Program
Your residential landscape can only thrive under constant and professional care. Weekly care will keep your landscape trimmed and healthy. Some ornamental plants have a faster growth rate. Your landscape will look messy and uncared for if such ornamental plants are not sheared to the required size at the appropriate time by a professional landscaping team.

The most common residential landscaping services Charlotte, NC include:  irrigation system management, mowing of turf, application of appropriate fertilizers, edging, landscape disease control, landscape pest control, landscape weeding, tree maintenance, ground cover control, and leaf removal. Clean up services contribute to a perfect landscape appearance. It is important to make distinction between weed control and hand weeding clear. Weed control may involve use of commercial weed killers.  Hand weeding involves the hands; uprooting and dislodging weeds from their positions.

Seasonal Program
Each landscape has a unique and exclusive feature. There are those landscapes, which require constant care, say on a weekly basis. But there are also landscapes that can do well with the seasonal program. The services are more or less the same, only that seasonal maintenance will require a certain kind of thoroughness.

A professional team will comb through your landscape with a keen eye. Most seasonal program services are similar to the weekly program services: pest control, landscape disease control, application of fertilizer, application of weed killers, hand weeding, and general cleaning like leaf and debris removal.

Having knowledge about your landscape helps you to maintain its good health and attractive look. Seek the help of residential landscaping services Charlotte, NC to get the best results.

Get a professional to help you keep your landscape healthy and attractive.

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