The real estate business can be very profitable if you are the type of person that is good at making sales and communicating with people. You may be considering getting a Utah real estate license and starting your own company or joining an existing one. The procedures for getting your real estate license vary from state to state, making it a bit confusing to know exactly what may be required in your state. Here are some steps to get you started on your Utah license.
General Requirements
There are some general requirements in order to get your license to sell real estate. You must be 18 years of age or older, pass a criminal background check, have a high school diploma or equivalent, take 120 hours of education and pass an examination. You also have to be a US citizen and be able to provide a social security number, I-94 or Alien Registration Number.
Taking Classes
If you are a citizen with the appropriate background check and of the right age, you can begin taking classes for your real estate license. There are pre-approved providers offering these classes both in person and online, allowing the student to fit the classes into their schedule. This means that you can work on getting your Utah real estate license while holding down your current job instead of having to choose.
Testing and Application
Once you have completed the necessary classes, it is time to take your examination. Be sure to schedule the examination well in advance so that you have time to prepare by studying and clearing your schedule for the day. Arrive 30 minutes early to check in and bring two forms of identification. The test will be on a computer. Once you pass the test, you can apply for your license.
Getting a Utah real estate license can be a rewarding experience that can open doors for you. Be sure to look into all of the requirements and procedures prior to pursing it. For more information,