When you pay into Social Security during your working years, you never think about the possibility of having to get it before retirement age. However, if you become disabled through an illness or accident, you can start getting disability benefits through the Social Security Administration. The key is finding a Missouri disability attorney to help you. Here’s why.
Expertise and Know-How
An established disability attorney in Missouri not only has a law degree, but he or she also had to pass a certification exam in Social Security law to practice in this sector. This enables him or her to fully understand the decision-making process as well as all of the ailments or conditions that can potentially qualify you for disability benefits.
Advocate at Hearing
Your disability attorney in Missouri will coach you on what to wear at the hearing as well as how to answer the judge’s inquiries. He or she will also cite specific aspects of your medical files to further substantiate your disability claim before a judge.
If you’re looking for a disability attorney, do a search online or call a few law firms from the yellow pages. You’ll want to select a disability attorney that’s experienced in dealing with your type of disability.
Grundy Disability Group, which you can reach at 816-415-4560 has been helping people in Missouri get disability benefits for more than 12 years and it can help you as well.
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