Lowering Costs Through Electronic Contract Manufacturing

by | Sep 24, 2018 | Electronics and Electrical


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Over the last two decades, changes in manufacturing, particularly with the sophistication of electronic components and systems, have led to a change in how Original Equipment Manufacturers do business.

In the past, it was not uncommon for the OEM to complete all aspects of manufacturing and fabrication of products in-house. Today, this is no longer cost-effective, with the technology, equipment, and expertise required for more complex systems and components creating a substantial increase in production costs.

To lower the costs of production, OEMs turn to electronic contract manufacturing services. These companies are able to provide specialized, customized and specific prototyping through to the production of electronic components as well as related value-added services. They are also able to reduce the cost of production through a variety of methods.

Faster Turnaround Times

A significant benefit of choosing experienced and established electronic contract manufacturing services is the ability of these companies to turnaround orders and provide delivery to meet the needs of their customers. With state-of-the-art equipment and systems, they can quickly develop prototypes and then move directly into production.

Set Cost of Production

With the use of contract manufacturers, the OEM pays a set price per unit produced. This eliminates costly issues such as labor, equipment maintenance, and replacement and even in parts and material procurement. This provides easy budgeting and management for the OEM, allowing for greater accuracy in market pricing.

Quality Control

The top electronic contract manufacturing services are fully certified to meet specific quality control standards. Look for companies with at least ISO 9001 certification or ISO 13485 certification for medical device production.

Most of the best companies have extensive certification in their specialized areas of production. Voluntary certification is a clear indicator of a company with a focus on precision production and full industry compliance.

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