If a person is invited to a barbecue and is injured when he falls through a wood deck, he may be entitled to monetary damages to pay for his medical expenses, lost wages, emotional trauma and pain and suffering. A personal injury lawyer in Bel Air can examine his case and explain his options. The injured person doesn’t have to worry about paying the lawyer. There is never a charge for a first appointment pertaining to a personal injury case. Attorney’s take these kinds of cases on a contingency basis. That means the lawyer is paid out of any settlement he wins for his client.
The personal injury lawyer will evaluate the evidence to determine if the property owner was negligent. Homeowners are expected to make a reasonable effort to keep their property safe. If the property owner knew his deck was rotting, he should have requested that the guests not use the deck. Once the personal injury lawyer in Bel Air determines that the homeowner was negligent, he can file a claim for damages. If the homeowner has homeowner’s insurance, he will file the claim with the insurance company. He will document the negligent activity and then describe the injuries that it caused. The lawyer will have to document the injured person’s medical treatment and the length of time it will take for them to fully recover. If the doctors believe there will always be a residual effect, then the damages will be large enough to pay for a lifetime of medical care.
Doctors who work for the insurance company often disagree with an injured person’s doctor. They will often claim that the injury is less severe and that the person is able to return to work. Insurance companies expect their staff to find as many reasons as possible not to pay a claim. They may try and claim that the person’s back hurt long before he fell through the deck. The personal injury lawyer knows how to work with the injured person’s doctors to refute these claims. Injured people who would like to know more about hiring a lawyer can visit Website domain to learn about the process.