How To Use Salesforce Integration Across An Atlanta Business

by | Oct 11, 2017 | Hardware and Software


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If you are like most business owners and managers in the Atlanta area, you take full advantage of different software programs and apps to monitor, track and trace just what is happening in your business at any given time.

This is a great opportunity for busy managers and business owners with multiple locations, departments or even with multiple sales from in-person retail to online ecommerce sites and remote sales through smartphones, tablets or other devices. It is also ideal for monitoring and assessing CRM (Customer Relations Management) to more effectively reach out to your customer base.

However, how many of these apps and programs do you really use to their full advantage? If they are not able to share information, how much is being missed in gaps or lost due to lack of coordination and compilation of data?

This issue can be resolved through the use of Salesforce integration. Through this process, a company can determine what and how they want to set up tracking, monitoring and analysis and then create an integration plan that allows for data sharing and complete monitoring from one centralized program.

The Basic Steps

As Salesforce integration can be a complex process, hiring a company to complete the integration can save a lot of challenges for an in-house IT department. These professionals can work with your management and IT teams to determine just what you need for objectives and outcomes with the integration.

Remember, Salesforce integration will require for the sales, marketing, and management teams to be on board. Training on the benefits of using Salesforce as well as the features that are now available to benefit the individuals and the company will need to be highlighted.

Once your Atlanta business starts using the Salesforce platform, your employees will wonder why it took so long to find the solution to their data management problems with all aspects of their job.

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