How Much do People Know About Heating and Cooling Services in Long Island, NY?

by | May 25, 2017 | Swimming Pools


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A question many people ask themselves is how ready they are for the cold and hot seasons. The art of procrastination is a major vocabulary of individuals regarding their cooling systems. Heating And Cooling Services in Long Island NY. Swimming pools owners have options of installing water heating systems to keep them warm even during winter.

There are three types of heating systems: geothermal systems, air heat pumps, and solar heating systems. The geothermal systems, just like gas are never affected by outdoor weather conditions. Geothermal heat pump systems are also known as Ground Source Heat Pumps. They operate by accumulating heat from the earth. The heat collected is then channeled to the pool. The advantage here is that even as temperatures drop, the underground one remains constant.

Air Source heat pumps are another alternative to heating the pool. They work well in temperatures which are above 45-50F. A long lifespan is one of their strongholds. Here’s how they work. Water is channeled through the pump through to the pump heater. Gradually, the pump heater outsources air through the fan and blows right through to the evaporator coil. The refrigerant contained in the loop changes the extracted heat from the air into gas. The hot gas relocates the heat from the gas to the cold water into the pool.

Another interesting way to heat the pool is through a solar system. One way of cutting down costs is through this system. The annual operating costs are minimal compared to the rest of the other systems. Here, the pool water pumps in through a filter right to the collector where it is heated then taken back to the pool. An alternative way, when it is hot, the collector becomes a channel used to cool the water through circulating it. Visit Sky Blue Pools to get an insight on what type of system to choose from the ones mentioned above.

For a fully functional swimming pool all year round, it is necessary to seek heating and cooling services in Long Island, NY. The fun does not have to stop just because it is too hot or too cold to bear the effects. Investing in the right system gives people a chance to still enjoy despite the weather.

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