How Certain Forms of Nicotine Help People in the UK Stop Smoking

by | Jan 27, 2022 | Nicotine Supplier


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Nicotine bitartrate dihydrate is a water-soluble salt form of nicotine. Because of its ability to dissolve, manufacturers commonly use it in tablets and lozenges.

Nicotine Lozenges

Because it is quick to release, nicotine bitartrate dihydrate is an active ingredient in these products, and the body can readily absorb this form. It is a rapid-release system that can aid individuals suffering from nicotine withdrawal.


Lozenges are made in standard, miniature, and coated varieties. They are mint flavored. The standard form is placed inside the cheek and allowed to melt slowly. Some people prefer the mini version because it is not as noticeable in the mouth, and they dissolve quicker. These smaller tablets have an effect in about three minutes. The coated products have a slicker feel, and they can sit in your mouth for a long time. These may last up to 30 minutes.


Lozenges dampen physical withdrawal symptoms that come with quitting smoking and chewing tobacco. If an individual can make it through the withdrawal period, they will likely be able to quit smoking for good.


Top-grade ingredients, such as nicotine bitartrate dihydrate, are the foundation of these products and the reason why lozenges are successful quitting aids. The companies that supply the products must meet quality and purity standards. The operations undergo routine and rigorous inspections and tests. These regulatory factors help ensure a conforming product. Many facilities utilize advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology to create this salt. For more information on pharmaceutical grade nicotine compounds, contact BGP Healthcare Private Limited at

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