Hiring a Medical Malpractice Attorney in Iowa City IA

by | Feb 16, 2015 | Law Services


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Almost 180,000 people each year suffer injuries that degenerate into nerve complications, permanent injury or death due to negligent care or medical errors caused by health professionals. Of these, only a small percentage decide to take action on the matter and seek legal help from a Medical Malpractice Attorney in Iowa City IA. Medical malpractice could be understood as an error made by health professionals when providing care or treatment that patients need. Medical malpractice can unfortunately lead to birth-related injuries, misdiagnosed diseases, manslaughter or significant loss of income.

What are the signs and health conditions resulting from medical malpractice?

* Do not get a consistent answer from your doctor.

* Nervousness and whispers by medical staff ‘errors’ in their care.

* Errors without explanation from a doctor or nurse.

* Unexpected injuries or complications that occurred at the time of care.

* Hazardous drugs administered incorrectly.

* Sudden and unexpected death of a loved one.

* Departure and return to hospital repeatedly.

* Unanticipated infections.

What if there was medical error but no injury?

It is like reciting the saying “no harm, no offense.” If a patient is harmed because of a medical error, you can establish a claim for compensation. Your Malpractice Attorney in Iowa City IA will explain two types of cases are presented to illustrate when you can and when you cannot.

* Case I: no malpractice. A doctor misdiagnosed a stomach ache for appendicitis. Surgery demonstrates that the pain was caused by an ulcer. If the patient needed surgery anyway to heal the ulcer, it is likely that you cannot sue. If no harm, no offense. The surgery would have been necessary anyway if they had correctly diagnosed.

* Case II: malpractice. A doctor misdiagnosed a stomach ache for appendicitis. Surgery shows that the patient only suffered from indigestion. Therefore surgery was unnecessary. Because the doctor needlessly underwent surgery, this is a much more probable case of medical malpractice and you could sue.

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