High Flying Heroes with Courage – The Duties of Arborists in Los Angeles

by | Jan 17, 2023 | Landscape Contractors


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A tree is a central piece of a community. It provides shade, curb appeal, and other benefits to a property. However, a tree is not easy to care for. This is why arborists exists. They’re heroes who protect trees, and they’re always ready to answer the call.

What it Takes to be an Arborist – The Symbol of Excellence

Heroes have uniforms that highlight their greatness. Arborists promote their excellence in a different way. It starts with proper certifications. Organizations like the ISA help arborists earn a certification. The process is voluntary, but it’s greatly appreciated.

Arborists to the Rescue

If you have a problem with a tree, an arborist can assist you. The easiest job for an arborist is pruning. Pruning is a basic task, but it’s extremely important because it can improve a tree’s appearance and health.

In addition to pruning, an arborist can also chop and remove portions of a tree. You can request this service if you have a hanging limb that poses a risk to your family.

Arborists are very heroic following storms. During these scenarios, they must answer to call when homeowners report storm damage. These jobs have dangerous scenarios. A call could involve:

Branches on electrified power lines

Limbs that hang over a deck or a porch

A tree that is about to fall on a home

A branch that could collapse on a neighbor’s home

Make the Call If you want to team up with an Arborist in Los Angeles,

Contact Green Republic Landscapes, Inc. today

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