General Information from Elk Grove Village Criminal Speeding Lawyers

by | May 13, 2020 | Lawyers and Law Firms


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Not all speeding tickets in Illinois are the same. Understanding the differences helps drivers ticketed in the Elk Grove Village area to determine if they need representation from criminal speeding lawyers.

There are several determining factors in the severity of traffic tickets or criminal offenses that are issued to drivers. One of the most important of these determining factors is the rate of speed over the speed limit at the time of the stop or citation.

A Petty Traffic Ticket

In general, for a basic speeding ticket, which is considered a petty offense, criminal speeding lawyers are not usually required. These are tickets for traveling up to 24 mph over the posted speed limit. However, if there are multiple moving violations on your driving record, even one of these basic traffic tickets can have serious consequences.

Most drivers face up to a $1,000 fine and a traffic ticket conviction on their driving record. If there are already several traffic tickets or moving violation convictions, this additional speeding limit ticket can result in the suspension of the license. It also may impact insurance rates.

Choosing not to pay even a petty traffic offense ticket can result in the suspension of the driver’s license.

Class A and B Misdemeanor Tickets

A Class B misdemeanor speeding ticket is for speeds of 26 to 34 miles per hour over the posted limit. The Class A misdemeanor ticket is for speeds above 35 miles an hour over the posted limit.

These are considered criminal offenses in Elk Grove Village and can result in penalties of six months in jail and a $1500 fine for a Class B and $2500 and one year in jail for a Class A. Both of these offenses should be handled by criminal speeding lawyers.

Keep in mind, failing to have professional, experienced lawyers representing you in any type of traffic ticket increases the risk of jail time, fines, and court fees. A free consultation with a speeding attorney allows you to ask questions and understand your options before taking any action.

For more information on the services our criminal speeding lawyers can provide Elk Grove Village drivers, see our website at Driver Defense Team.

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