Factor That Increase Auto insurance in St. Augustine Premiums

by | Jun 24, 2020 | Insurance Services


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There are many different factors that can cause your insurance to increase how much you pay for auto coverage. Many of these factors can be controlled by you and your actions when driving. The following are a few factors that can lead to more expensive Auto insurance in St. Augustine.

Your Car

Auto insurance companies use studies and information from care safety industries to assess the overall safety of your vehicle. The vehicles that receive a higher safety rating will receive a bigger discount of coverage premiums. Some insurance companies will also increase the premiums on cars that have a low safety rating and in many cases it is a considerable amount of money. Many four door family cars will receive lower premium rates than a two door sports car for obvious reasons.

Daily Road Time

Many customers who use their car for their business or drive long distances to their jobs will pay more in premiums than someone who has limited road time each day. The theory behind this is that the more you are on the road; the more likely you are to be involved in an automobile accident. If you are looking to reduce insurance costs, you should think about carpooling or public transportation.

Driving Record

If you have an extensive driving record with tickets and accidents, you are at a high risk to pay more for your Auto insurance in St. Augustine. On the other hand, if you have a good driving record with minimal or no accidents or tickets, you will usually be offered a much lower rate. There are many driving schools available that will allow you to remove bad driving points from your record.

There are many other ways for you to save on your auto coverage. You should contact ThompsonBaker in St. Augustine for all of your insurance needs. The knowledgeable professionals there will be able to inform you of a number of ways to save money on your coverage. Usually, if you are looking to insure more than one vehicle you will be offered a multi-car discount. Also the type of coverage, whether it is liability or full coverage, can make the price of your premium be higher.

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