Dump Trailer Buying Guide

by | Jul 29, 2016 | Automotive


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Dump trailers are extremely versatile vehicles that are commonly used for a variety of different types of jobs such as industrial and farming applications. Dump trailers allow consumers to enjoy an affordable and convenient solution for their specific business needs without having to invest in a full-size dump truck. Before you buy a new dump trailer in Maryland you will need to know about the different types that are available for you to choose from.

Dump trailers are able to be hooked up to pickup truck or a vehicle of the same size and is used to transport debris, supplies, and a lot of different items to a specific dump site. It can be used much like a flatbed trailer or even a dump truck. It can easily be unhooked from the vehicle and is powered by a hydraulic pump.

Choosing a Trailer
There are a lot of factors that need to be considered before choosing a dump trailer. The two most important things to consider are style and size. The size of the trailer will determine the size of the objects that you are able to carry. Small dump trailers have single axles, limited space, and one mount piston. A small trailer is typically about 4×6 feet or 5×8 feet. It can hold up to 3,000 pounds.

A large trailer is typically about 8×20 feet and can hold up to 7,500 pounds. This type of trailer is typically used for farming operation or a construction company. An industrial plant would also probably use a trailer of this size.

If you are looking for high quality dump trailers in Maryland, then the Hitch Man Inc. may have what you are looking for. No matter what size you are looking for you can check out their website and find what you need no matter how big the job is.

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