One thing people don’t always take into consideration when purchasing a new vehicle is how much it will cost to insure that vehicle. The rates for Car Insurance in Austin TX vary greatly based on the type of car purchased. Those wishing to limit their insurance expenses should be familiar with the least expensive cars to insure.
Factors Affecting Insurance Rates
When choosing how much the rates to insure a particular car are, a few different factors come into play, including how much collision repairs usually cost with the vehicle, how much damage the car is likely to do to other vehicles and people in an accident, and how likely the car is to be stolen. Because drivers are also likely to drive certain cars, such as minivans, more safely than others, this is taken into account as well when deciding rates for Car Insurance in Austin TX.
Inexpensive Cars to Insure
These include a lot of mid-size vehicles, including the Nissan Frontier S King Cab, the Jeep Cherokee Sport Utility 2 Wheel Drive, the Buick Encore Sport Touring 2 Wheel Drive, the Jeep Compass Sport 2 Wheel Drive, and the Jeep Patriot Sport 2 Wheel Drive. Cars more likely to be driven by older people or by families also make the list, such as the Buick Encore Sport Touring 2 Wheel Drive, the Jeep Wrangler Sport 4 Wheel Drive, the Honda Odyssey LX, and the Honda CR-V LX. Another factor that lowers insurance rates is if the car is mainly purchased as a rental vehicle, such as the Ford Escape S 2 Wheel Drive.
Cars to Avoid
Those looking for low insurance rates will want to avoid cars that are small and fast, as these cars tend to get into more accidents, especially if driven by a young driver. Some of the most expensive cars to insure include the Subaru Impreza WRX 4 Wheel Drive, the Scion tC, the Hyundai Tiburon, and the Mercedes CLS class 4 door. Likewise, very large and very expensive cars tend to be more expensive to repair or replace, making them more expensive to insure as well.
Click Here for more information on car insurance. State Farm can help with all of your insurance needs, just call for a quote.