Buying a used car can often be a very wise financial move, however, if it is done as an impulse you can end up with a lemon, someone else’s problems. When deciding to buy a used Chevy in Naperville you can make an informed decision only if you are well armed with knowledge.
Before you even leave your home there are things that you can and should do:
* Before anything else, decide what it is you want from a car. Only you know the size of your family, whether your commute is short or long or whether you favor a big car or a small one. Once you have a fit on these types of issues, now start looking for cars that meet your needs and their prices.
* Wandering into a used car dealership without a fix on what you are looking for often will result in you not finding the best deal; you may be pressured into buying a car that you really don’t want.
* Set your target budget and stick to it, in this way you will be able to narrow your search and focus on negotiating for the car that suits you for the price you can pay. Be very firm on this but, don’t share it with the salesperson, wait for them to make the first offer. Remember, when you are buying a Chevy in Naperville you also must take into account the licensing costs, insurance and the cost of an independent inspection.
* Look at all possible financing options; if you cannot pay cash then look at taking a loan from your bank or credit union. Get an offer from a number of institutions, if you want you can use this to leverage a better rate again from the dealer where you want to buy your Chevy in Naperville.
* Ask the dealership to run a carfax report for you, this report can give you insight into whether the car has ever been involved in an accident or have other issues that are not obvious.
* Take a test drive, test the car in numerous situations which include high speed highway driving, city driving and up and down hills. If the car does not impress you with its performance, walk away.
Although you have every right to walk away from, don’t enter into negotiations if this is your intention. Don’t be overly eager and don’t settle for less than you want and don’t feel as if you’re being pressured into buying the car.
If you have set your mind on buying a Chevy in Naperville then you can do no better than to buy it at Hawk Chevrolet Cadillac of Joliet. Hawk has a great selection of new and used Chevys. Visit their website for more details.